Trying to get fit with a dodgy shoulder
With summer fast approaching, many of us are turning our attention back to getting fit and losing the winter flab so we look toned and feel great. This involves a lot of regular exercise such as swimming, gym work, pilates and yoga.
A large number of us start our new exercise program with either an acute (short term) or chronic (long term) injury, one of the most common being an injury to the shoulder.
Sound familiar? I see a huge number of people in my clinic who have exactly that, shoulder pain that has been affecting them for a long time. Some people do seek help and treatment, but a large number of people procrastinate and don’t get a proper diagnosis and treatment only to end up under the surgeon’s knife in their 40’s, 50’s and 60’s.
Most shoulder problems involve some form of damage to the rotator cuff muscles leading to chronic instability and pain in the shoulder. This can often have an adverse effect on other areas of the body such as the neck, mid back, lower back, elbow and wrist.
The majority of shoulder problems can be treated and managed very effectively through Chiropractic care.
Short term management usually involves treating the specific part of the shoulder which is damaged and causing pain. Some of the more common areas involved in treatment are the rotator cuff muscles (such as the infraspinatus, supraspinatus and subscapularis muscles) as well as the shoulder capsular ligaments (most commonly at the front of the shoulder).
Long term management involves addressing the underlying issues that caused the shoulder to become damaged and dysfunctional. These can include;
- Spinal problems in the neck, mid-back or lower back (including pain and stiffness),
- Jaw dysfunction
- Chronic stress (this can lead to shoulder damage either through postural changes or changes in nervous system function)
- Poor diet, leading to inflammation in the gut and joints
- Muscle imbalances between the front and back parts of the body (upper, lower crossed syndromes)
- Poor posture,
- Poor core strength
- Poor flexibility
How many of you reading this article have one or more of the problems listed above? Having the shoulder properly assessed and being given a proper diagnosis and management plan is paramount as early as possible. Managing the injury properly along with the underlying issues that lead to the shoulder injury will lead to a much better outcome, saving you from a lot of long term pain, not only physically but in the hip pocket.
Dr Orazio Trevisan (Chiropractor)
BSc (UNSW). MChiro (Macq Uni).
PGD Chiro Sports Science (Macq Uni).
MSc Chiro Paediatrics (Uni of Wales).
Certified Applied Kinesiologist
NET (Neuro Emotional Technique)